Before we set up Irish Village Markets, (IVM) both Tara (Dalton) and I, (Des Vallely) were traders. We found it really difficult to troll through all the information you are supposed to have to be compliant in all areas of your trading business.
One of the things we do constantly for new traders joining IVM is to spend time directing them around the various “houses” so they can find the best information and quickest routes to set up.
Not that we were tired of having to do this but because we thought there might be a better way, Tara and I pulled together the necessary parties and today launched the Village Market Handbook. The one stop, free, online download which gives new traders all the information they will need before coming to market.
The press release blurb is below.
Irish Village Markets: Handbook for Aspiring Market Traders
As a result of the recession, Ireland has seen a huge increase in the number of people turning to markets and market trading as a low overhead means of generating an income. Many new traders find that the information regarding legal and insurance obligations, health regulations and codes of practice can be difficult to source.
To remedy this, Des Vallely and Tara Dalton of Irish Village Markets, (IVM), are delighted to launch a compact, easy to read handbook which aims to provide new market traders with all relevant information in one simple and free download.
With support and co-funding from Markets Alive Support Team, (MAST), Bank of Ireland and information from The Food Safety Authority of Ireland, (FSAI); the handbook is a comprehensive guide for anyone thinking of becoming a market/event trader. It includes information on Insurance requirements, trader’s rights plus casual trading and licence requirements. There is also a comprehensive guide to food safety and HACCP, which covers food handling, registering a food business and vendor responsibility. It also has a brief guide to financial considerations, together with banking and legal advice.
“It can be both daunting and difficult for a new trader to find all of the information required to ensure their business is compliant. It became clear that many traders found themselves in circles trying to ensure that they had all aspects of their business covered. We understand the frustrations; we started as market traders and now run over 9 weekly lunchtime markets. Producing this handbook, which can be downloaded free of charge from our website allows the trader an easier route to market without the need to wade through the quagmire of information.” Des Vallely, IVM
MAST, the market insurance and liability experts with a membership base spanning the 32 counties; have worked closely with IVM in the production of this handbook. “We assist and advise hundreds of traders who are in the process of setting up their businesses. We are also currently in partnership with Dublin City Council in a bid to get EU INTERREG funding for market development. If this application is successful MAST will use their portion of the funding to compile a national database of market traders. This is vital if the industry wants to receive the attention it deserves from government.” Ciaran Casey, MAST
There are currently no Irish government statistics to demonstrate how much markets are worth to the economy. However, if UK figures based on markets turnover and population are extrapolated to Ireland, it can be estimated markets in Ireland are generating between €500/€600 million per annum and employing as many as 16,000 people
The Village Market Handbook is free and can be downloaded here and from and from Thursday, 21st June.