What draws you to a lunchtime market.. by Irish Village Markets

We think, (hope) we have begun a trend of a new way to eat your lunch.  On your chosen market day you can ditch the packed lunch, the pre made local shop sambo, the diluted soup and opt for natural, tasty, flavoursome and filling lunches at one of our Irish Village Markets.

We get why many of you on a sunny day will venture out of the office, head down to the market, walk along the international cuisine stalls and ponder where in the world your taste buds should travel to that hour!

While on a rainy day.. There may not be as many of you, it may even be cold, it may even mean you have to jump up and down a little to put the feeling back into your feet but you still do it. You still come down, choose your dish and put the head down and rush back to your heated office to savour your lunchtime food.

For that we thank you.  We know it is not just about the food, we hope it’s about the atmosphere, the people you meet there and watching the chefs dishing up the food they have prepared for the market near you.

That is what we hope – are we right?